구글의 인적자원관리(영문).hwp |
목차 I. Motivation for choosing Google 1. Motivation II. About Company Google 1. Introduction 2. History of Google 3. Product and Services 4. Competitor 5. Mission and Vision 6. Google s 10 Things III. Google s Human Resource Management 1. Staffing 2. Training and Development 3. Motivating 4. Maintaining IV. Google s HRM and Hospitalty Industry 1. Unique Characteristics of Google s HRM 2. Application of Google s HRM on hospitality industry 3. Suggestion References 본문 I. Motivation for choosing Google 1. Motivation We suggest Google as a model of management innovation because their style of management is quite distinct with traditional corporations. Google stick to their way in the business belief, organization culture, human resource management. In terms of HRM, they select innovative strategy. So we figure out their HRM and think about how to apply it to the hospitality&tourism industry. Google, the top of internet search engine, is used anywhere in the world, and it is indispensible tool to a netsurfer. Google changed software industry significantly. While Microsoft sell products, Google provide web based software such as search, g-mail, google maps, in a form of online service. By changing the existing management system so that changed the overall industry flow, Google have a significance as a industry leader. To know why Google is considered the No.1 company by jobseekers, and what makes jobseekers think this way, we examine about Google. II. About Company Google 1. Introduction of Google Purpose of Google is to systematize information in the world so that people can use it conveniently. In 1996, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who are graduate student of Stanford University, made search engine BackRub , which use link as importance measure of each web pages. In 1998, they launch the company that is google today. The name of Google is transformation of googol , which means the number represented as one followed by 100 zeros. Since then, Google have been growing steadily. Only been supporting search in one language, now Google provide various products and services in dozens of languages , such as web applications which are available for diverse forms of advertising and tasks. The company that started with two computer science students in university dormitory get thousands of employees and offices in the world now. 참고문헌 Mostly from the www.google.com/about/company/ Courtesy: Great Place to Work® Institute Inc., Report on 100 Best Employers of 2008 © 2008; reproduced under Creative Commons; Brad Stone; 2007; New York Times; Google' s Next Frontier: Renewable Energy; John Shinal; 2004; San Francisco Chronicles; Google IPO achieved its major goal: It' s all about raising cash for the company and rewarding employees early; 22 Courtesy: Google Corp Website; ©2008 Google Inc.; Cosser, S. (2008) Google Sets the Standard for a Happy Work Environment. Retrieved from Ezine Articles: http://ezinearticles.com/?Google-Sets-The-Standard-For-A-Happy- Work-Environment&id=979201 Goo, S. K. (2007, January 27). At Google, long hours but free food. Retrieved from Post Gazette. Now : http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/07027/757235-96.stm Google. (2009). Google Milestones. Retrieved from Google- Corporate Information: http://www.google.com/corporate/history.html Google. (2009). The Best Place to Work. Retrieved 2009, from Google Diversity and Inclusion: http://www.google.com/corporate/diversity/bestplace.html Huselid, M., Becker, B., Beatty, D. (2009). The Differentiated Workforce: Transforming Talent Into Strategic Impact. Harvard Business Press. Inc, G. (2009). Awards and Recognition. Retrieved from Genentech: http://www.gene.com/gene/about/corporate/awards/index.html John Shinal; 2004; San Francisco Chronicles; Google IPO achieved its major goal: It' s all about raising cash for the company and rewarding employees early; 22 Courtesy: Google Corp Website; ©2008 Google Inc.; http://www.google.com/about/company/philosophy/ http://www.google.com/intl/ko/about/corporate/company/index.html 키워드 인적자원관리, 구글, 영문, 인적관리 |
2017년 4월 28일 금요일
구글의 인적자원관리(영문)
구글의 인적자원관리(영문)
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