2017년 6월 20일 화요일

행정학 린드블롬(Lindblom) 생애와 점증모형 연구 (영문)

행정학 린드블롬(Lindblom) 생애와 점증모형 연구 (영문)
[행정학] 린드블롬(Lindblom) 생애와 점증모형 연구 (영문).pptx

Lindblom's Life
Social Organizational Control Structures
Unilateral Controls
Multilateral Controls
Policymaking as Analytical and Interactive Process
Partisan Mutual Adjustment
Lindblom's Worldview
The Lindblom Critique

1963~1965 economic adviser to the head of
the U.S. Agency for International Development mission to India.

1981~1982 president of the American Political Science Association

1991 Lindbloom retired in Yale University

The market system

Mutual adjustment

Criticize individual and individual and organizational actors

The organizational level.
Not command but legitimation.
The means by which totalitarian regimes perpetuate themselves.
This control supersedes other forms of social coordination.

Lindblom, 린드블롬, 생애, 점증모형, 행정학

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