2017년 7월 7일 금요일

영어작문/영작/영어에세이/영어발표 건물이 붕괴되는 이유

영어작문/영작/영어에세이/영어발표 건물이 붕괴되는 이유
Collapsed building.docx

Collapsed building incur when it ignores regulation to save money , building sustain damage because it didn't conduct precise investigation of ground and collapsed building occurs when administration didn't inspect in detail and didn't do maintenance. Unfortunately lots of incidents happen by reason of not keeping these 3 factors. I will cite three examples among all of them.

1. There were many cases that building had collapsed because of ignoring design specification , extending building and using unsuitable materials to save money.

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건물이 붕괴되는 이유를 삼풍백화점 사고,성수대교 붕괴 등을 예로 들며 소개 하는 글 입니다.

영어작문, 영작, 영어에세이, 영어발표, 안전사고

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